About A.D.I Dance Studios
Dance is a form of language, a way to express our innermost feelings in different communicative ways. Through high quality training we endeavour to provide opportunities for dancers of all ages and abilities to experience the art of dance in a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment. In our studio you will find a home, a home built on mutual passion, respect, understanding and community. We place high importance on empowerment, encouraging everyone to find their self-worth, learn to believe in themselves and find a place where they can 100% be their true self! As a teacher it is an honour and privilege to play such a vital role in their lives, to inspire them, be a part of their growth and share a mutual respect and passion for dance and performing arts. We are new studio located in Deception Bay, having only opened in July 2022. We cater for dancers from 2.5 years through to adults with a wide variety of genres. We hope to bring more than just dance to the lives of our students, we aim to build their self-confidence, inspire them to reach their dreams and goals and be comfortable within themselves.